Weekend Trip and Photo Gallery: Ephesus

Turkey has some claim to just about everything in “recent” human history, from China’s Silk Road trade route to the capital of the Roman Empire.  Napoleon once said, “If the Earth was a single state, Istanbul would be its capital.”

Efes (Ephesus), a city with a population – at its peak – of 250,000, is no exception.  It eventually became the 2nd largest city in the Roman Empire and hosted such greats as Cleopatra and Marc Antony, and the Apostle Paul.  Although the city was founded between 1500-1000 B.C., most of the excavated ruins are from the Hellenistic (Greek) and Roman periods (3rd century BC through 3rd century AD).

Click on a photo and enjoy the slideshow!


  1. Love the photos Bobbi. Randy and I were talking the other day about your trip & Istanbul would be at the top of my “to visit” list – you’re in an incredibly intriguing part of the world.

    1. No kidding. I shudder when I remember that Turkey wasn’t even on our original itinerary. Ken’s always wanted to visit, and my uncle is a Roman Catholic priest and when he visited us this past spring he planted the seed with some history lessons about Constantinople. When we needed a place to lay over after our tourist visas ran out in the EU, plane tickets to Istanbul were really cheap so we decided why not. I can tell already that this place will leave a lasting impression.

      1. Glad you went. If you make it to Marrakesh you’ll have covered my “wish list.”

  2. Great pics! Your mom mentioned your trip on Christmas!

    1. Thanks – hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I was thinking of you and missing everyone!

    1. Thank you, ma’am. Feel better!!

  3. Awesome pictures. I especially liked the one of you and Ken at the Temple of Artemis (the one ancient wonder I always manage to forget). I also couldn’t help but think how devalued our libraries are today, it’s just a matter of noting the reverence ancient cultures had for those hallowed places of accumulated knowledge.

    1. I know! The Celsus library held 12,000 scroll books!!! And I just read about some Brits (I think?) who will spend the next 5,000 years piecing together scrolls from a home library in Pompeii, including some from KC’s favorite philosophers Lucretius and Epicurus. Next year you can send me photos from the same spot at the Temple of Artemis. ;o)

  4. Fantastic photos! Whets the appetite!

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